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News of the Hero Exhibition of Stock Investment Kium Securities at home and abroadText Photo @ SkipapapapaIt is said that the number of people who are interested in overseas stocks instead of unstable and unpredictable domestic stocks is increasing day by day.Unlike before, there are many media that can conveniently invest in overseas stocks these days, so it is easy to get various information related to overseas stock trends, so you can enter overseas stocks without experiencing high barriers to entry.-Have you ever heard of the word “foreign exchange car profit or loss?Those who do overseas stocks must check the foreign exchange difference profit and loss, which refers to a situation in which damage or profits occur depending on the exchange rate at the time of the previous transaction and the exchange rate at the time of repayment.If you look at the recent exchange rate fluctuation graph, you can see that it changes rapidly up and down.Usually, when buying and selling overseas stocks, you are mainly concerned about the fluctuation of stock prices, i.e., the rise and fall of stock prices, and not only the fluctuation of stock prices but also the profit and loss of exchange rates should be carefully checked.To put it simply, suppose you bought overseas stocks when the dollar exchange rate was 1,000 won.Although there was no change in the stock price of the acquired stock, it was the difference profit and loss that generated 20% profit as the exchange rate rose to 1,200 won, and on the contrary, if the exchange rate falls to 800 won, 20% loss is also the difference profit and loss.Although the exchange rate fluctuation is small and the exchange rate difference profit and loss will not be considered that much, it can be said that it is really important to consider foreign exchange difference profit and loss when trading overseas stocks in a situation where fluctuations are severe these days.In addition, it is really difficult to determine whether profits have been made or lost due to repeated sales and purchases of various stocks when trading overseas stocks and fluctuations occur frequently depending on the timing of the exchange. In particular, it is wise to check both won and foreign currency when trading overseas stocks, including U.S. stocks, to decide when to buy and sell, as long as possible, as there is room for losses due to the exchange rate at the point of purchase.It seems more difficult to consider foreign exchange vehicle profit and loss even though it is already difficult to grasp overseas stock trends. Kiwoom Securities provides a “foreign stock foreign exchange balance” screen to various media.Kiwoom Securities’ balance of won in overseas stocks can be found through its integrated app, Hyomun S#, PC media, Hyomun G, Hyomun 4, and its website.Based on Hero S#, you can check “Select Account and Balance Details from Overseas Stocks”, “Select Account Realized Profit and Loss from Overseas Stocks” or “Select Account Realized Profit and Loss from Overseas Stocks”, so don’t forget to check patient profit and loss as a wise way to invest :)Kiwoom Securities, which provides various information for investors, can be used with confidence as it is a representative securities company used by many people. In addition, if you are planning to invest in overseas stocks, you can trade stocks in a total of 10 countries (France and Italy can only trade offline) in addition to U.S. stocks through Kiwoom Securities.If you want to gain experience in overseas stock investment, try Kiwoom Securities Hero Battle, an overseas stock investment competitionStock investment will know that experience is important.However, it can be said that it is not easy to have experience, but Kiwoom Securities is currently conducting Kiwoom Hero Battle, a monthly yield competition that any customer with Kiwoom Securities accounts can participate in, so please gain experience through challenges and aim for a chance to win a prize.The total prize money for Kiwoom Hero Battle is 1 billion won, the largest competition in Kiwoom Securities’ history, but it will be divided into regular games, group games, and hero matches, so please check the characteristics of regular games, group games, and hero matches.First of all, regular games are a monthly investment competition, which is divided into domestic and overseas competitions.The categories of domestic competitions are divided into 100 million, 5,000, 3,000, 1,000, and 100 competitions, and in the case of 100 million competitions, 5 million won will be paid to one winner, 2 million won to one runner-up, and 300,000 won to the top 108. In addition, 200 people included in the top 200 will be given qualifications for the hero battle and Starbucks coffee coupons, so don’t forget to make efforts to win the championship as well as qualify for the hero match.Overseas regular competitions will also provide up to 5 million won in prize money to one winner and provide the top 100 players with a chance to decide the heroes every month.Since the details of the holding and sale of participating accounts are disclosed, it is also a way to invest in overseas stocks by checking them and referring to how to invest, including selecting stocks.The group exhibition is a real-life investment competition that anyone can easily create and operate with friends or friends!You can use detailed setting functions such as disclosure/non-disclosure and participation code setting, investment product selection (overseas or domestic).In the case of group games, there is basically no prize money, but event competitions are held from time to time to get a chance to win prize money, so don’t miss the chance to gain experience through group games and win prize money through event competitions.Finally, the hero match is a concept like the year-end Wangjungwang competition, and it is an investment competition in which veterans selected for regular games gather every month to participate.The prize money for overseas stocks and domestic stock competitions is the same, and the first prize money is 100 million won! You can participate in both overseas stocks and domestic stock competitions, and if you aim to win both competitions, you can receive 200 million won.For your information, the first prize money for overseas stocks at Kiwoom Securities’ regular investment competition in 2022 was 5 million won, but it is said that 100 million won, which is 20 times higher than this, is amazing.If you share tips, overseas stocks select 1/2 of the number of people over domestic stocks, so please make sure to confirm that it is advantageous to win the prize in terms of probability when considering only the number of people when entering the hero match.If you share tips, overseas stocks select 1/2 of the number of people over domestic stocks, so please make sure to confirm that it is advantageous to win the prize in terms of probability when considering only the number of people when entering the hero match.글/빠슉 슉이슉A – ANDROI_SSUNG.BLOG.MECopyRight ⓒ 2013-1908 Skipapa All Rights Reserved.

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