Copyright 20192019, 컨팅 hh [[H]AllRightsReserved
The core concept of “WorkSmart” is “how to work wisely.” Perhaps because this word is long, it is easier to hear the abbreviation “office worker who can work.” I believe that the basic concept of “working wisely” has not changed much, even though times have changed. However, one or two differences are that the system and the system are linked here during the fourth industrial revolution. “Time” and “space” change the most, and “communication” and “problem solving” may be unfamiliar. Above all, the “thinking” that supports this is more different than ever. But I can’t let go of it. This process focused on this point. However, he decided not to stimulate a sudden change in thinking. It is a process that learns the basics of “work” and ventilates, but rather fulfills “basic skills.” The basic skill is structuralization. This is organized as “SCQA” and structured as a mint pyramid. The next step is to learn the Pay-Off Matrix method, a tool for selecting priorities. In particular, the government focused on monitoring the situation before and after the implementation of the business by utilizing the “Risk Forecast Matrix” and responding to Agile. It has been systematized by adding a method of analysis of the time required for work time path analysis. Work Smart: It’s a process that focuses on digesting 100% of the characteristics of smart job jalas. This strategy worked. Structuralization has become more sophisticated, and path analysis has attracted enough attention. The reporting method also overturned the concept of “initial-intermediate-final reporting” and imprinted the utility of “problem-solving reporting.” “Work Smart: How to Work Smart” is a company that started earlier, but it doesn’t mean it’s a perfect settlement. Just because it’s just started doesn’t mean it’s lagging behind. In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is changing every day, “first and last” is meaningless. In other words, it is important for someone to collaborate “smooth” and “structure” and “smart” at the goal of the future. This process also contains the meaning of incorporating one’s present “value” to realize future value. Work Smart!

The core concept of “WorkSmart” is “how to work wisely.” Perhaps because this word is long, it is easier to hear the abbreviation “office worker who can work.” I believe that the basic concept of “working wisely” has not changed much, even though times have changed. However, one or two differences are that the system and the system are linked here during the fourth industrial revolution. “Time” and “space” change the most, and “communication” and “problem solving” may be unfamiliar. Above all, the “thinking” that supports this is more different than ever. But I can’t let go of it. This process focused on this point. However, he decided not to stimulate a sudden change in thinking. It is a process that learns the basics of “work” and ventilates, but rather fulfills “basic skills.” The basic skill is structuralization. This is organized as “SCQA” and structured as a mint pyramid. The next step is to learn the Pay-Off Matrix method, a tool for selecting priorities. In particular, the government focused on monitoring the situation before and after the implementation of the business by utilizing the “Risk Forecast Matrix” and responding to Agile. It has been systematized by adding a method of analysis of the time required for work time path analysis. Work Smart: It’s a process that focuses on digesting 100% of the characteristics of smart job jalas. This strategy worked. Structuralization has become more sophisticated, and path analysis has attracted enough attention. The reporting method also overturned the concept of “initial-intermediate-final reporting” and imprinted the utility of “problem-solving reporting.” “Work Smart: How to Work Smart” is a company that started earlier, but it doesn’t mean it’s a perfect settlement. Just because it’s just started doesn’t mean it’s lagging behind. In the era of the 4th Industrial Revolution, which is changing every day, “first and last” is meaningless. In other words, it is important for someone to collaborate “smooth” and “structure” and “smart” at the goal of the future. This process also contains the meaning of incorporating one’s present “value” to realize future value. Work Smart!
If you need assistance with this curriculum, please contact us at [email protected] you need assistance with this curriculum, please contact us at [email protected] 20192019, 컨팅 hh [[H]AllRightsReservedCopyright 20192019, 컨팅 hh [[H]AllRightsReservedCopyright 20192019, 컨팅 hh [[H]AllRightsReserved